Feb 28, 2023
Lisa Talks to a mom with two young children who’s lost 90 pounds and reversed her interstitial cystitis and migraines all through living a meat-based diet.
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/the_contoured_carnivore/#
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN8d-klF7GbgNc1Xw10KLOg
Feb 21, 2023
Lisa found two vagicians! Yes, two pelvic floor therapists who can help you not tee tee when you cough or laugh.
WEBSITE: www.arkansaspelvichealth.com
EPISODE SPONSOR: https://www.ralstonfamilyfarms.com/
EPISODE SPONSOR: https://www.davidsburgers.com/
Feb 14, 2023
Lisa talks with Kim Alexis, one of the first women to be recognized as a supermodel in the 80s, and got caught up with life now and what life was like then.
WEBSITE: www.kimalexis.com
INSTAGRAM: @the_kimalexis https://www.instagram.com/the_kimalexis
EPISODE SPONSOR: https://www.jesschicken.com/
Feb 7, 2023
Lisa Talks with health pioneer, fasting and keto expert, Ben Azadi about how his life was changed when he took his health in his own hands. 80 pounds lost and an entire career found where he helps others.
WEBSITE: www.benazadi.com
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@KetoKamp
INSTAGRAM: @thebenazadi