Jun 7, 2022
Lisa talks to Dr. Amy Beard, a functional medicine provider, about all things health and how to stay alive in the 21st century despite what your doctor tells you and prescribes you.
EPISODE SPONSOR: https://www.akelscarpetone.com/
Website: www.amybeardmd.com
Shop: https://amybeardmd.com/shop/?orderby=popularity
Book To Read: Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries, a nephrologist
Website: lisafischersaid.com
For more information on group intermittent fasting coaching with Lisa, email fasting@lisafischersaid.com
For more information on one-on-one or group health coaching with Lisa, email healthcoaching@lisafischersaid.com
If you are interested in starting a career as a health coach, click this link to find out more from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition: https://geti.in/2QWxGmu
Podcast produced by clantoncreative.com